Tom Stoppard Quiz

Another tough one. Identify the plays and, if you can, the characters.

  1. Nobody makes it stick like Horace that you’re a long time dead – dust and shadow, and no good deeds, no eloquence, will bring you back.
  2. The search still goes on for the escaped madman who is on the run in Essex.
  3. The reason footballers are yobs may be nothing to do with being working class, or with financial greed, or with adulation, or even with being footballers. It may be simply that football attracts a certain kind of person, namely yobs.
  4. Undertake sun hollyhocks frankly sun pelican crash ?
  5.  Each individual coin spun individually is as likely to come down heads as tails and therefore should cause no surprise each individual time it does.
  6.  But surely a hermit who takes a newspaper is not a hermit in whom one can have complete confidence.
  7.  The Plastic People of the Universe played ‘Venus in Furs’ from Velvet Underground and I knew everything was basically OK.
  8. At the third stroke it will be nine two and fifty seconds ( Pip Pip Pip )
  9.  – I assure you I am Bulgarian as he is.          –  He is Rumanian.         –  They are the same place. Some people call it the one, some the other.
  10. The idea that all the people locked up in mental hospitals are sane while the people walking about outside are all mad is merely a literary conceit.





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